Be Like Water

Effective, custom web design and development for nonprofits.


Entries you can read in 2 minutes

2 minutes to read CommunicationsDropletsUsability

Make your content more meaningful to the Web

When an article from your nonprofit's website is shared on Twitter or Facebook, what does it look like? How about when your website appears in Google search results? If you'd like to improve that, you probably can.

2 minutes to read CommunicationsDroplets

Use social media to promote your website, not replace it.

You’re probably well aware of the affect that social media platforms can have on your nonprofit, so you probably have accounts on many of them. But are you using social media to enhance your Web presence, or are you just spreading yourself thin?

2 minutes to read CommunicationsDroplets

Simplify Google Analytics

Gardener: "I planted tomatoes this year!" Friend: "Oh yeah? How are they growing?" Gardener: "I have no idea. I never look at my garden." Silly, right? But are you making the same mistake with visitor tracking on your website?

2 minutes to read CommunicationsDroplets

Is your website actually helping your organization?

Are you sure your website is actually helping your organization? How do you know? Sure, you can probably find out how many people are visiting your website, but bringing people to your website is not your website's job.

2 minutes to read CommunicationsDesignUsability

Am I human? None of your business.

Are you using any kind of Captcha verification on your forms? Captcha is that test that checks if the submitter is “human.” Whatever your method you’re using to make your visitors prove they're human, stop it.

2 minutes to read Design

Content Audit Resources: Sitemap Generators and Link Checkers

There are many online services that will scan your website and list all your broken links, and some also map your website's pages so you can get an overview of your information architecture. Here are some online resources that can help with this.