Are you looking for a Web rockstar? Or perhaps an HTML ninja? How about a user experience guru or a digital geek or a social media nerd? Well keep looking.
A part of me dies every time I encounter an RFP or job description that calls for one of these titles. Would you work with a doctor who refers to himself as a "medical ninja"? Or an accountant who claims to be a "investment rockstar"? I doubt it.
If you're an organization looking for help with your Web presence, don't make this mistake. You take your website seriously. Give the same attention to the consultants you work with and you'll find better qualified people.
And if you work in digital media, have respect for your skillset and call yourself what you are. In many ways, our industry is still gaining acceptance, so avoid using nonsensical qualifiers when describing yourself.
Have I made you consider a viewpoint you hadn't before? Or do you and I think alike? Either way, maybe we should work together?